Experience the pinnacle of National Reconciliation Week at Reconciliation Queensland’s annual dinner — a transformative evening celebrating unity and progress! Join us for an electrifying lineup of speakers: Joshua Creamer, a powerhouse in human rights law; Tanya Denning-Orman, the visionary leader of NITV; Fiona Cornforth, an esteemed advocate for Indigenous education, leadership, and healing; and a representative from the Treaty … Read More
Sing-along and games with Getano Bann at Inala Elders
As part of Seniors Week 2017, Reconciliation Queensland, COTA and Inala Elders Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation invite Elders and their family members to attend a morning sing‐along of songs of cultural significance with Getano Bann.
Sharing the future: Sing-along with Getano Bann at Gould Adams Park Aquatic Centre
As part of Multicultural Month, Reconciliation Queensland, Logan First Nations Coalition, ACCESS, and Multicultural Queensland invite Elders and their family members to attend a morning sing-along of songs of cultural significance with Getano Bann.
Sing-along and games with Getano Bann at Jimbelunga
As part of Seniors Week 2017, Reconciliation Queensland, COTA and Jimbelunga Nursing Centre invite Elders and their family members to attend a morning sing‐along of songs of cultural significance with Getano Bann.
Australia Day 2020: Bridging the divide
Join Reconciliation Queensland and guest speaker Charmaine Foley on Australia Day, 26 January 2020, to remember the historic Walks for Reconciliation, twenty years ago.
The journey visits Brisbane
RECOGNISE is the campaign to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia’s Constitution and deal with the racial discrimination in it. Join us for a community arvo! There will be music, cultural performances and conversations on constitutional change. This is a public event, so everyone in the community is welcome to attend. Find out more about the Journey … Read More
The Journey goes to Logan!
Join us for a community arvo! There will be music, sports games, a yarn about changing the Constitution and a free BBQ dinner.
Balaangala Sorry Day Ceremony
Join us in commemorating and remembering the struggle for justice faced by members of the Stolen Generations and their families and communities.
RQI Annual General Meeting
Reconciliation Queensland Incorporated invites all members to attend the 2016 Annual General Meeting.