Annual General Meeting 2020
RQI Annual General Meeting
Saturday 10 October 2020
You are cordially invited to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Reconciliation Queensland Incorporated, via a scheduled ZOOM meeting, on Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 2.00 PM.
Due to current restrictions on gatherings as per Queensland Health regarding COVID-19, and our value and care of Elders within our community, Reconciliation Queensland Incorporated will be hosting its Annual General Meeting ONLINE by Zoom.
[Zoom is free and you do not need an account, but if you wish you can download the app here]Keynote speaker – Thomas Mayor
Thomas Mayor is a Torres Strait Islander man born on Larrakia country in Darwin. This young Indigenous leader knows what it takes to fight for human rights. Thomas is deputy branch secretary (Northern Territory) for the Maritime Union Workers Union, co-chair of the Uluru Working Group, and Author of Finding the Heart of the Nation: the Journey of the Uluru Statement towards Voice, Treaty and Truth.
As an Islander growing up on the mainland, he learned to hunt traditional foods with his father and to island dance from the Darwin community of Torres Strait Islanders. In high school, Thomas’s English teacher suggested he should become a writer. He didn’t think then that he would become one of the first ever Torres Strait Islander authors to have a book published for the general trade.
Instead, he became a wharf labourer from the age of seventeen, until he became a union official for the Maritime Union of Australia in his early thirties.
Quietly spoken in character, Thomas found his voice on the wharves. As he gained the skills of negotiation and organising in the union movement, he applied those skills to advancing the rights of Indigenous peoples, becoming a signatory to the Uluru Statement from the Heart and a tireless campaigner.
Following the Uluru Convention, Thomas was entrusted to carry the sacred canvas of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. He then embarked on an eighteen-month journey around the country to garner support for a constitutionally enshrined First Nations voice, and a Makarrata Commission for truth-telling and agreement-making or treaties.
He’s visited communities big and small, often with the Uluru Statement canvas rolled up in a tube under his arm. Thomas believes that we will only find the heart of our nation when the First peoples – the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders – are recognised with a representative Voice enshrined in the Australian Constitution.
Annual General Meeting documentation
Please click the Links below to view and download important additional information and forms
regarding the business of the RQI AGM:
In order to vote or to nominate at the AGM you must be a Current / Financial Member of RQI.
You can join online at or by completing the Membership Form available by download here, and returning it to RQI, PO Box 15102, City East 4002.
Joining now will provide membership through to 1 July 2021.
Please make every effort to Join or Renew prior to Saturday 10th October 2020.
**Please return the NOMINATION Form to by 26 September 2020
(They need to be submitted 14 days prior to the AGM).
→ The RQI AGM ZOOM MEETING Login Details are:
Topic: Reconciliation Queensland Inc. AGM
Date / Time: 2.00 pm, Saturday, 10 October 2020, Brisbane
Join ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID: 276 442 5144
Dial by your location
+61 731 853 730 Queensland
Meeting ID: 276 442 5144
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We look forward to seeing you at the 2020 Annual General Meeting!
Sincerely yours,
Linda Harnett, RQI
Regional Engagement Coordinator,
Queensland Education Sector
RQI Telephone 07 3003 6377
Mobile Office 0403 265 344
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